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167 Elm Street
Vaughnsville, OH 45893


Decorative silk flower wall swags and front door wreaths. Hand painted glass candle holders, vases, ornaments and candles.

Large Elegant Fall Wreath

Beautiful Designer Fall/Autumn Wreaths

Large Elegant Fall Wreath

Large Elegant Fall Wreath
Large Elegant Fall Wreath
sold out

Large Elegant Fall Wreath


This is a large elegant fall wreath perfect for a front door or above a fireplace. It has lovely cream sunflowers and marigolds, brown dahlias, pale gold hydrangeas, cinnamon mini ranunculus, sprays of heather, acorns and pinecones throughout, gorgeous fern and hanging greens with beautiful fall foliage and a triple bow.

  • Color: Brown, Cream, Pale Gold and Cinnamon

  • Item: #1869

  • Size: 36"L x 26"W

  • Designed on an 18” Grapevine Base

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wreath fall brown cream pale gold cinnamon
wreath fall brown cream pale gold cinnamon2
Sugar Creek Home Decor, Home Accessories, Vaughnsville, OH